DirtyMurderGames News and Updates

A little Positivity - June 7

Hello! It's been a little while since I've made a news post, since I've essentially finished building the new version of the website and uploading my old art. I was thinking about doing something a little different this time.

It's been a couple months since I've deleted all of my social media accounts, and since then, my mental health has improved significantly. I have space in my life to focus on the present, the people immediately surrounding me, my hobbies, and the small joys that I can't really quantify.

If you like, I'd like to share a small slice of my happiness with you in the form of youtube links. I know- strange thing to see on a website for horrorporn. It's certainly weird, but I've always been weird. And maybe cathartic dark media isn't so antithetical to peace of mind as we may think.

This first one is a music video that my friend sent to me a while ago. I watch it now and then whenever I feel anxious; it helps me to feel brave again.

The next one is a video from one of my all time favourite channels- Casual Geographic! Learning about animals always makes me happy, and this guy makes it even more fun with a great sense of humour [ and eloquence- you'll see what I mean haha! ]

The last one is from a relatively small channel that I really enjoy hearing from every month. It's dedicated to good news- it heavily focuses on environmental wins but sometimes touches on other topics as well :D

That's it for now- but maybe I'll do this again if people seem to like it :) Please don't let the feedback loop of fear and anger on the internet take your humanity. There is still hope.

Art and Game Update - May 17

Hello folks! I've added another strange little art section in my 'artwork' area at the very bottom. It's for whatever images I could find of the old painted clay sculpture/jewellery I used to make around 2014. I know that's not terribly relevant to what most people know me for now, but I want this website to be a hub of all my art.

I've also updated the YKMET:Strade progress page to have some more recent screencaps of the game, featuring some of the finalized sprites I've been making:

I haven't made any public updates on the game progress outside of Patreon for a while, so I figured I'd drop some stuff :) Work has been going very well! Alpha testing went great and now I'm chugging away at the final art. Release is still a long way away, but please rest assured I'm putting full-time hours into the game as always! <3

Regular Art Update - May 3

I've split up my artwork section since it was starting to be too many images to load. Additionally, there's now a new 'Ancient Art' section which has some artwork between 2006 and 2014. Very old stuff, but a couple bangers in there still I think LMAO! Mostly valuable as an indicator of the roots of my art style.

YKMET game page update + Copyright stuff - April 26

I haven't uploaded my usual chunk of art today, although I do plan to upload a little bit more from further back. Sorry about this! I'm very hard at work on the main YKMET:Strade game background today and I'd like to try and get my inking done. I'll try and update the art next Friday.

In good news, I have updated the YKMET:Strade game info page to be a little more informative of where I am in the process. For the next several months, I anticipate that very little will change there except for the completion number of finalized images.

I also wanted to mention a bit about unauthorized use of my characters/art.

I've also been made aware of stores[s] selling my dakimakura designs on aliexpress. I've tried to fight aliexpress on this before, but it seems there's very little I can do. Please don't buy these knockoff dakis. Not only are they worse quality in general, but these people do not have access to the full resolution art and you would be getting a poor quality image. The only place I sell my dakimakuras is Etsy.

Lastly, I've also found that a company called Plush Wonderland was running campaigns to make plushies of Strade, Ren, and Lawrence. I contacted them and they graciously took the campaigns down. I am very sorry to anyone who was hoping to get a plush from them, I know that some people really wanted them. Please understand that I have to protect my IP when possible, and I can't just let a large company mass produce products of my work without my involvement. I plan to try and release an official Strade plush sometime around the release of YKMET:Strade, and if that goes well, I'll try and release other plushies as well. Please allow me the time to try and get this work done- I am only one person.

Regular Art Update - April 19

I've added my art from 2015 to the art section. Please take care to view my art at your own risk. 2015-2018 was a very... difficult time for me. 2015's art in particular is relentlessly awful and deeply rancid. I have mixed feelings about it. But ultimately, this website is to serve as an archive of my work, so up it goes.

Regular Art Update - April 12

I've added my art from 2016 to the art section- which is a very substantial amount! Definitely going back into some rougher years.

I'm glad I've come this far.

People spreading my Patreon content for clout - April 8

A bunch of people have been messaging me on my Patreon about people stealing content off it [ or off Patreon pirating websites ] and posting it on places like Tiktok for clout.

I am aware of it, but I'm afraid there's not much I can do about it. I do not have social media accounts, and even if I did, I have no authority over others. All I can do is keep working as hard as I can for the people who actually care and support my work.

If you would like to see my content as soon as possible and support me, please consider joining my Patreon.

Regular Art Update - April 5, 2024

I've added some more art to the art section! I added a couple other pics I found for 2018 and [ I think ] all of the art from 2017, which was a lot. I've also added some little context notes to each year so you know what major project I was doing at the same time. In more recent years, I spend most of my time working on game development, which usually invloves drawing a ton of backgrounds, sprites, and other art- rather than random pictures.

Restock is live! - April 1, 2024

My store restock is live! The sold out keychains are back and the fox dakis are for sale! :D


Regular Art Update - March 29, 2024

I've updated my artwork section to include more of my old art! I dumped a bunch of TPOF concept art, worked my way through 2019 and 2018, and started 2017. There's a lot more art from 2017 to get to, but that'll have to wait til next Friday!

I have also recieved my restock shipment and can now say for sure that the restock and new daki drop will happen on Monday :)


UPS Updated my tracking number overnight and apparently it's coming tomorrow!?!? I am actually shaking and sweating:

Okay, so assuming it does arrive tomorrow, I still need time to go through the boxes, organize everything, and make new Etsy listings. I think it would be best for me to actually make the restock and new dakis available on Monday. So, until further notice, the restock will happen on -checks calendar- April Fool's Day. Apparently. I promise I am not fucking with you though LMAO

In other news, I just wanted to take a second to thank you guys for your support. I've noticed something on some of my Etsy sales:

That little green 'Share & Save' means that someone went to my Etsy store from a link on this very website. Etsy has a program where I can put special links on my website and if people use them to buy something, I get a little discount on my Etsy fees. I'm not terribly concerned with the discount, but what DOES matter to me is that it's clear that some of you are checking out my website and even buying merch from here... I'm extremely touched and flattered!

Thank you so much everyone. It means everything to me.

Restock is a little late but still coming - March 22, 2024

So I've gotten an update about my restock shipment for Etsy merch, and a tracking number with UPS:

Unfortunately, it isn't giving me an estimated delivery date yet... But I will update here as soon as I have that. I think the delivery should take around 15 days, so it seems the restock will be happening more around mid-April. My Apologies!

In other news, I've updated my game progress a bit on YKMET: Strade. The placeholder sketches are now done, and I just need to do a bit of framework coding, then I can get Alpha testing started while I replace all of the placeholders with final art [ inked and coloured ]. That phase will likely take many months since there's over 600 images to finalize. The time will pass anyway :)

Ah, one last thing. I've added some artwork to the Artwork page. It's not everything, but I'm gonna try to add some every Friday if I can. It's kind of laborious and tedious, so it might be a while before most of my art is back up. I'll keep putting in effort when I can!

Fox dakimakuras coming soon! - March 8, 2024

I've made a restock order with my merch supplier and I'm currently waiting for an update on the shipment any day now! The shipment will include restocks of all the merch items I've recently sold out of, and it will include brand new Fox dakimakuras!

The Fox dakis will be the same size, premium material, and price as my other dakimakuras [ 50cm x 150cm, 2way Tricot, hidden zipper, $60CAD ]

I'll keep everyone updated on the progress of the shipment via this website and my Patreon. You can check out my Etsy Store now as well, but if you're interested in the new dakis or something I've sold out of then you should wait until I get my new merch before you make an order. I'm hoping to have the new stuff by the end of March! Fingers crossed!

Site Revamp - March 8, 2024

I've made some adjustments to the DirtyMurderGames website recently, with the intention of having it be a more reliable and up-to-date source of information about my game work and merch :D

Eventually, I'd like this to be a useful hub for finding everything relevant about my work.